Friday, April 8, 2011

It's almost over

It's almost over, and it's kind of scary and exciting at the same time! It's scary because we will be finished the formal part of our professional development. It's going to be on us now, as individuals, to make sure we take the time to continue to develop. I'll have to address this in my TPGP which is to follow as a course requirement. It's exciting because we've worked so hard and learned so much and now we are ready to apply this knowledge and work as teachers.

To open the class today, Michele reminded us to be kind to ourselves in our first attempts at inquiry in the classroom. It takes practice! Make sure you include students in your thinking about how to design activities and tasks. If you have them involved from the beginning they'll be right there with you throughout.
Inquiry is designed (at least) thrice!
MENTAL: powerful idea, question, issue, or problem
-students strive to exceed the expectations set by your exemplar
-liberating constraints where students feel challenged and supported
-listen for openings, misconceptions, possibilities
-summative assessment: why did it live out a particular way?

What do kids say is the biggest obstacle at school?
This site has a bunch of surveys with regard to students' technology use.

Discussion about the importance of reading:
David Bouchard's For the Love of Reading is a great resource for a Canadian perspective on the top 200 books every kid should read.

Rahat Naqvi, faculty of Education, also provides access to dual language books in many different languages on her website.

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